COVID-19 Considerations for Halloween

Given the ongoing public health emergency, and that the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) having classified "traditional trick-or-treating where treats are handed to children who go door to door" as a higher risk activity, the Selectmen have decided not to sanction Trick-or-Treat by setting specific town-approved hours for this activity. However, recognizing that some will choose to participate in this activuty regardless of the public health recommendation, the following modifications may reduce the risks of contracting COVID-19 for both treat seekers and givers:

Stay home/Do not participate if you are not feeling well.

Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when trick-or-treating and handing out treats. Costume masks can provide protection if there is a multi-layer cloth barrier covering the nose and mouth

Avoid large gatherings or parties and find ways to trick-or-treat while staying at least 6 feet away from others, including when handing out and accepting treats. For treat givers, consider placing a table outdoors with individual treats or bags which children can take without touching other treats, or employing a creative treat delivery method which allow for proper social-distancing.

Practice frequent hand cleaning - bring a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you while trick-or-treating, and use it often.

For more information about Halloween and other fall activities, visit